Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Celebrity Intelligence Index...
I was talking to a friend of mine last night before a screening of The Bourne Supremacy (good movie!)  and we were talking about reality television and how stupid most of the people are on it eg. Jessica Simpson and Anna Nicole Smith, which led into a conversation about smart vs. dumb celebrities.
It seems to me that actors are either real dumb or real smart with nothing in between. Occasionally you will see an actor or actress who seems like a regular person of normal intelligence, but not so often.
As a result I figured we could use a scale for intelligence...Anna Nicole being the lowest and Stephen Hawking being the highest. Jennifer Connely, Morgan Freeman and Mel GIbson are in the middle high end, Jessica Simpson is one above Anna, and Keannu Reeves, Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck, and  Gillian Anderson are in the middle to low side end.

Personally, I figure I am somewhere between Quentin Tarantino and Morgan Freeman.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does this work?