Sunday, July 04, 2004


I love this country...It's the only place in the world where:

... People can be shocked by Bill Cosby telling it like it is

...Kobe can be flown from Colorado to LA to play in the NBA Playoffs, and Robert Downey Jr. can be let out of jail for an acting job.

...A documentary about the evils of the Bush administration can be the number one film of the week, while his standing in the polls is as high as ever.

...Where you can have Bill Riley and Al Franken fight over the use of a phrase.

...A former President can write a book admitting his affairs with white trash women in the oval office.

...Our current President who pronounces the word "tyranny", "tie-ran-ee"

...A cable network called music television does not play music.

I know it seems like I am bitter and cranky about these things, but I actually think it shows that this country is a tolerant albeit sometime misguided place. Freedom of Speech, and Religion, and sometimes the freedom to act like an idiot and be forgiven. I have a lot of foreign friends due to my days in grad school, and I always am surprised how much I have in common with them in the belief in the American Ideal, which for me was derived from too many Superman and Captain America comic books, but for them it is a true dream to come over here and through personal trial and effort, be successful.

I believe this dream is what makes America great, to have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of education, gender, creed or geek hobby you may have.

The inscription on the Statue Of Liberty Reads:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed,
to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

— Emma Lazarus, 1883, written to help raise funds for construction of the pedestal.

Maybe Americans shouldn't get their freedoms automatically and have to work for it like immigrants.

By the way....Spider-Man 2 was awesome!

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