Friday, July 09, 2004

On Socializing with the Bosses...

Every once in a while our office goes for an "official" office happy hour. The reason for this is twofold:

1. It gives the employees a chance to relax and unwind and relax after a stressful day.

2. It lets us employees find out what the upper level people really think about us.

Seriously, we have a young (a few years older than myself) "associate", who whenever you get a beer in him, his tongue really loosens up, and you can ask him anything...For instance I am known by the higher ups as "the Union Rep" and "Superman", because I am always making sure all of the people I work with and who work for me are doing ok.

Its quite the valuable resource this happy hour thing...Much power happens here huuurrM? (Imagine Yoda saying that last part)

The other thing I found out is that not wearing a white dress shirt and keeping your hair longish translates into "being a non conformist who doesn't completely embrace the company line" during a performance review.

...Personally, I think all the old bald white guys are just jealous...

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