Friday, July 01, 2005

More Office Drama...

We had 2 people quit this week, and we have 2 new people starting on Tuesday...

One of the ex employees is moving to New York City, which he just decided after a recent vacation there. He only worked for us for 6 months, and was known as "that guy" in the office, you know the one who is, I dunno, a little Off? I liked him though, in terms of personal entertainment value, but I was under the impression he was not a "model employee" so to speak.

The other one was recruited by a former professor (sounds like a familiar story, eh?) and he had only worked for us a month. He was lured away by the promise of being transferred to Las Vegas, where his brother lives. It will be interesting to see if that happens. I think he was scared of us.

In between all this we had our yearly reviews, which went well for everyone, and my boss went on vacation, which was good for me, because I got to go out and actually see my project being built for a change, even though I am in charge of this project, I don't get to go to the site as much as I think I should, because I think you have to see how things are done to know how to tell other people how to do them. I have seen and done a few things before but that hasn't been enough to be able to confidently tell people how to do things when they do it for a living.

....Responsibility is HARD! 'doh!

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