Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sunday, Sunday Sunday!...

Went and did the whole sing for Jesus thing this morning. It's still a bit on the tense side since they have started telling me what to wear, but we did get a new priest (an Irish fellow with a keen sense of humor) who hopefully will get the administration to freakin relax!

Also, went to the museums today to see the baseball exhibit from Cooperstown, and the Lord of the Rings exhibit, which were both pretty cool. I always find it neat to see movie props and in the case of LOTR, they really went all out to make them as realistic as possible. I also found it interesting that the characters were almost presented as real or historical. Things like "this is the armor of the eleven race" and stuff like that. They also had interactive exhibits where they showed examples of motion capture and camera tricks, and a wall that would tell you what race from middle earth you would be based on your height (I'm an elf).

There were a few visitors who came in costume, and I have to admit , I do find it a bit on the creepy side, but to each his own I guess.

...They probably think I look funny...

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