Thursday, January 01, 2004

A New Year is upon us...

Man, I can't believe I have actually survived until 2004...Where are those dang flyin' cars they promised us anyway?

Last year was a good year, albeit a very quick one. I heard yesterday that they didn't have to add that leap second to the atomic clock this year because apparently the earth is spinning just that much faster. Maybe that has something to do with it, I dunno.

I got a niece this year...Got put sort of in charge of a big project for my office (haven't screwed it up too much yet)...Still have all the same friends, even though I don't see them as often as I like...Got a new cat...Got a calmer version of the old cat as a result...Went to two weddings and no funerals...Saw more good movies than bad movies...Went on a couple of trips...Got a raise...The truck is still intact (knock on wood)...Read a bunch of comics...Started learning how to drink... Drove someone home who was too drunk to drive...Got some cool toys and DVD's...& have started trying to get out more.

Anyhow, life's pretty good...Hope everyone else will have a happy 2004!

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