Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Christmas eve eve....

I got an e-mail the other day from a friend of mine who lives in the middle east. He went to school here and after not being able to secure gainful employment here, went back to his home country where he took part in his arranged marriage (he assures me it is like you decide to get married and then start dating, sort of cuts to the chase, you don't waste time looking for "the one" at the local bar) and now works relocating displaced Nomadic Peoples due to the arbitrary assigning of borders to their wandering areas...

...Sounds a bit odd, I guess to a boy who grew up in the suburbs.

But this man, who I swear could rival Santa Claus with the smile and twinkle in his eye, loves America more than almost anyone I know...It's because he doesn't take it for granted, kids...He knows it is a land of unbridled opportunity and promise. But he loves his own country too, and I have to respect that.

So kids, while you may be disappointed on Christmas day that you didn't get the new PS2 and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, be thankful that you were born in the United States, because even with all of its problems and stuff, it is still one of the greatest countries in the world.

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