Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I was at the movies the other day (actually, I go to the movies QUITE a lot) and more and more I have started to see more and more small children there.

Now, here's the thing...I'm

A. not going to see G- and PG - rated movie fare and
B. I'm always going to one of the last shows of the night, usually after 10pm.

So I go to see the re-release of say, ALIEN or THE EXORCIST, or maybe the remake of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACARE, and there are parents who are bringing their freakin' kids with them...not teenagers, but 2,3,4,5,7 year old kids who definitely really shouldn't be seeing this kinda stuff. People should know what to expect, especially if it is a remake.

I know babysitters are expensive, but $#!+, this is why they make DVD players...put the kids to bed and then put in a movie you want to watch. My older brother was 12 or 13 when he saw Alien....I was 9 or 10 and it was watched on cable TV under the direct supervision of Mom. I was into Star Wars, so she figured it would be ok. My older brother had nightmares about the "bleeding" android, though. I think because of this, he will be good with his own kids and not let them see any of this stuff.

Just to reiterate...a 7 year old watching the EXORCIST is just not cool...I saw it in college and It is one of the few movies that gave me a bit of the willies...THE ELEPHANT MAN was the first one...saw it when I was twelve....freaked me out...probably because it was a true story and the man was treated so badly in his life...

...still have dreams about him occasionally.

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