and I have been enjoying my friend's blog, so I figured I would start my own. I always have these snippets of ideas about things and I figured this would be as good a place as any to write them down.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX
What Happens When...
...You get a couple of architects with a few odd ideas and add in a smattering of psychedelic drugs?
I just watched the director's cut of Daredevil, a movie that which, in the theater, frankly:
Now, the reason I gave the director's cut even a chance is because:
A. I am a hardcore serious comic book fan nerd-o-rama and feel obligated to support comic based films.
B. I Really dig Daredevil...In a way, he's the redheaded stepchild to Spider-Man, and a character that the editors of comic books always let the writers do whatever to him because he wasn't that popular, and they ended up getting these great stories out of it. As a writer, you could beat the heck out of DD, have his girlfriend sell out his secret ID for a shot of heroin, whatever they wanted to do. I mean it was one of those cases where anything goes and you never really knew that 'Ol Hornhead would make it out all right at the end of the issue, because he was always just one or two readers away from being cancelled.
C. I Heard they had cut 30 minutes from the original film when they released it.
And gosh darnit, the director's cut is a SO MUCH BETTER FILM! It actually has a story line, character development and evolution, and an almost completely different ending. I cannot believe the powers that be did not release this version of the film. Unlike the LOTR trilogy, it wasn't for time sake (I still need to watch the 5 hour version I got for X-mas) It seems like it was the case of a short sighted producer wanting to make a film that didn't have anything meaningful in it. D'oh!
...Waiting for that Catwoman Director's cut now, maybe the movie's actually good.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year....
Another year has come and gone, and so now it is time to reflect on the good and the bad & the ugly:
The Good:
1. Just got back from frozen Minnesota to see my brother Bob, his wife and two chilluns, a 4 year old boy and a 15 month year old girl. The rest of Clan McSherry was there as well. Did the whole winter experience, went skiing and came back with all my limbs intact! Lot of fun, they are really good kids and enjoyed the visit.
2. New Neighbors! Really nice married couple...It's nice to be able to walk out on your porch and have a chat, and then go back inside when you're done.
3. New offices! Our firm moved to larger digs in November...More space for all my junk!
4. Spider-Man 2, Hellboy, and The Incredibles....Great super hero movies.
5. I didn't have to go to any funerals this year.
6. My cats Larri and Darryl. They may be freakish and psycho pets, but they are my freakish and psycho pets.
The Bad:
1. Worked the equivalent of 90 days of overtime this year. I was compensated for a lot of it come bonus time, but I worked a 15 month year this year. Ouch! Try not to do that again.
2. Lazarus the Truck's transmission blew out last June...Cost a lot to fix. I am looking into buying a new Vehicle in '05.
3. Blade: Trinity...Not a good movie. UGH!
The Ugly:
1. Still not a registered architect... Must start testing to correct in '05.
2. Moped in pieces in kitchen...Must get running sooner more than later.
3. Catwoman with Halle Berry. Got a free ticket to this movie and was still angry that I lost two hours of my life.