Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life lessons learned while watching Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (minor spoilers ahead):

1. Finally found out why they built the Pyramids of Egypt.
2. Archeologists and Art Historians really hate giant robots.
3. The Obama Administration has not completely evaluated or modified the Bush giant robot policy.
4. Michael Bay must have helped an influential Hollywood producer bury a dead hooker at some time in his life.
5. If you are a nerd, and hot chicks are after you left and right, one of them must be a killer robot.
6. GM's bankruptcy has not affected the giant robot market.
7. US soldiers are more effective in stopping giant robots than any other armed forces in the world. This includes Japan, even though they are better at stopping giant lizards.
8. Us soldiers will happily disobey direct orders and risk creating an international incident and/or court martial/going to prison for treason based on the phone calls from teenagers, because they "trust him" and their boss is a jerk.
9. A woman's "mad scarf skills" can save the day when you are in the desert being chased by bad guys.
10. Dogs/old people/robots humping is supposed to be funny.
11. If you are stuck with a plot problem, showing Megan Fox running in slow motion can solve it.

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