Monday, January 21, 2008

Get a Haircut...

Finally got my hair cut again after 8 months or so of growing it out. I don't care for having short hair much.

Seems the boss had an issue with it, even going so far to threaten me jokingly with a pair of scissors. I thought that was kind of a rude way to provide a hint, personally.

Anyhow, the hair went to a charity called locks of love, who makes wigs for children who suffer premature hair loss through disease or chemotherapy, etc. I recommend anyone who is planning on a drastic change to look into it and see if their hair is long enough to donate.

...well, at least I won't have to get it cut for another year...

"Get a haircut and get a real job
Clean your act up and don't be a slob
Get it together like your big brother Bob
Why don't you get a haircut and get a real job"

-George Thorogood- (and I actually have a big brother Bob!)


Convivialdingo said...

You could always shave your head... I find it really comfortable, except in the winter when I like a little fuzz to keep the cold out.

Anonymous said...

::gasp:: I can't imagine you without your Jesus-hair, Jim! :-)