Thursday, September 13, 2007

Feelin' Minnesota...

Just came back from visiting my brother in Minnesota. (He's my Mom's favorite now since he is the only one with the wife and the 2 grandchilluns.) It's funny to see him all grown up but he is a great dad and his kids are a lot of fun. I mostly played Uncle during the visit (and by gosh, even did some actual babysitting!) Lots of Lego fun and watching cartoons (right up my alley, really.)

Minneapolis/St. Paul is an interesting city. It is like a cross between Dallas/Fort Worth, but with the environmental and cultural sensitivities of a place like Austin, but with the general niceness of a stereotypical Texas small town. They have a huge set of bike paths that connect a good chunk of the cities (we rode on some) lots of parks and lakes. They are very architecturally sensitive as well. Every time I go there there is an article in the paper about an architect or a building, park etc. There local government is also very cutting edge, with the small towns surrounding the cities having "Green" City Halls or posting town meeting video on their websites. If it wasn't for the winter (can go as low as 50 below zero), I would consider moving there.

Anyhow, nice break and back to the race...time to play catch up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow -- you actually had a *vacation*???


Take care of yourself! Don't kill y'self by workin' yourself too hard! :-)