Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Life Update...

Still working my butt off.

Cats are still loony tunes, but lovable.

Projects are going. One 4 months behind and the other down to the wire. Should be a fun summer!

Built a big sandcastle/robot. "sand-former" big pile of sand collapsed spectacularly. Transformed back into sand! Fun and exhaustion had by all.

Architect softball league is over. Discovered not great at softball, but remained mostly injury free unlike many co workers. Only threatened one co worker who was thrown out of game for a bad attitude. Not a proud moment.

Employee review happened. Very annoying and contradictory. Work is great but working my butt off too much and need to delegate tasks but do not give me the resources to do so.

Passed 3 of 9 exams...need to start up again.

Started in a bowling league...will see how it goes.

Boss going on vacation. More stress to be had.

Building committee finishing up. Hopefully things will work out. Thank god I am not the Architect on that project, or I would have killed someone by now. Very frustrating but should be over soon.

....could be worse, could be raining...boom!

More later...

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