Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Survived the family, Santa Claus, etc.

My niece and nephew came to town with my brother and his wife. Kids are interesting to say the least. I always forget how loud the house gets. I like them, though. The boy is smart as all get out and listens to everything the adults are talking about. As a result of this, he is the only stressed out 6 year old I know. If his folks are worried about something, he is worried too. The girl is a "damn-the-torpedoes" type, nothing phases her.

My other brother came in as well, he is debating going into the seminary. I hope he can make a decision on this either way, he is very conflicted and not very happy. I just want him to make sure that is really what he wants to do with his life if he goes in. It's a pretty serious commitment to make. I wish him luck and wisdom in making this decision.

We all had a good time. It was a nice capper for a pretty good year for me. Got promoted, no one died, went to a nice wedding and a family reunion, new car is great, have enough fundage to start looking at land to build a house, started the road to getting my Architect License, and have stayed friends with more people then I have lost.

This year I am going to try to reconnect with some people, keep taking tests, and finish two projects that have been going on for a while.

Should be fun...Happy 2007!


Convivialdingo said...

Happy New Year Jim!

Sould like a good year overall. I resonate with the "loud" comment - kids are just that way heheh.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year as well!


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.