Wednesday, February 25, 2004

On being an adult...

I was at my friendly neighborhood comic book store the other day (yes, ladies, he's one of those guys) and we started talking about how the Gen Xers haven't really got over being kids. We still like our Sci-Fi/ Fantasy movies and our playstation 2's. Not to mention all those great cartoons.

Personally, Justice League is my favorite...Hawkgirl cracks me up! Eyah!

Anyway, my own personal theory about this is we are the first generation of American Youth to never have gone to fight in a war. No World War I or II, No Korea, No Vietnam. Sure we had a little bit of Grenada, & Desert Storm, but those were over in what, a week? We also are the first generation to not have the draft.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I never had to join the military, but I'm glad some people did, so I don't have to. I have nothing but respect for those people.

But you can't argue that Military service forces maturity, to put away childish things and all that, and not having that, our generation still holds to the childish ways of the PS2.

So while I still read my comics and play with my toys, I am also having to learn how to be an adult in the business world and figure out how to do things like buy a home without much of an instruction manual.

Wouldn't it be great if you turned 25 and they gave you a book called "How to be an adult"? It was have all sorts of that info that you usually have to stupidly ask your dad about...Fantastic!

Oh Well.....Back to the Cartoons...Futurama is on!

Friday, February 06, 2004

Super Bowl Sunday and Birthdays....

Like most every other American last weekend, I watched the Super Bowl...I'm not a serious football fan at all, in fact, I really don't care for the sport. Probably those formative years being messed with by the jocks...Course I could outrun them, because I was on the Cross Country Team.

...Anyhoo, the game actually was decent after the first 1/2 hour or so...But the thing that amazes me is this...NO ONE I KNOW HAS TALKED ABOUT THE ACTUAL CONTENT OF THE GAME! It has all been about Janet's Titty! Now she has been banned from the Grammys, while little innocent bastard Justin gets off scot-free...God bless America!

I feel Bad for the New England Patriots...They won a Super Bowl and nobody gives a $*!+. Congrats to y'all guys.

The other odd thing was the Game was here in my 'ol hometown. The majorly impressive thing is that it got people out into the streets downtown, over 200,000 people came out to see what all the fuss was about. There were also a severely limited number of arrests and injuries (under 50).

We just got this new light rail line, and people actually used it!

Traffic was only slightly more of a nightmare than it usually is!

....Yes Virginia, it's a Super Bowl Miracle.

Also my Pop's B-day was this week on Groundhog Day...We had him immortalized on the Wall of honor at the new Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C....He is a former rocket scientist.

Really, he is.

My older brother's was the week before...He claims he's only two years instead of 5 years older than me...Weird.