Friday, October 24, 2003

So...I had lunch with a client today...and I thought that I would never "do lunch" with anybody, never thought I would have a job that requires a tie, and yet, here I am. It's for the best, I think. Beats living at home with my parents, definitely.

Anyhow, I was with one of my bosses and I have to admit it felt a little bit like being asked to sit at the grown-ups table at thanksgiving....a little odd and strange, but then the realization of the fact that you are actually getting older. Combine that with a recent birthday, and you start to feel like a bit of a geezer. Having a sense of your own mortality is a bitch.

......"I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys "r" Us Kid"....

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Why is it....

Why is it whenever I go to a pet store to buy stuff for my cats, I get hit on by a gay guy? (not that there's anything wrong with being gay)

....just wondering...At least they usually are polite about it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

cool...learned how to change the colors and text....ooohhhh....colorssssss....

So it's been a couple of weeks....time flies when you are busy.

I recently got to live a childhood dream...I got to see Kiss in concert. I have wanted to see them since I was about 5 years old and my older brother brought home Love Gun (on Vinyl, no's vinyl?)

Areosmith also played I have to admit...I was totally impressed with both. Both of these bands have been doing this for over 30 years and the quality hasn't suffered. I have seen older acts before and been really disapointed because the singer couldn't hit the notes or whatnot. I saw Bob Dylan at the rodeo last year and the man was doing some serious Phonin' In.

I tell ya though, If I can be in my 50's and still be able to do cartwheels on or off a stage I will be happy as hell....

....come to think of It, I probably can't do cartwheels now...

ps...everybody go see Kill Bill Vol. 1....esp. if you love kung-fu movies!