Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Crawling from the wreckage...

Haven't posted here in a while...Crawling out from under work and other bits and pieces of life's busy-ness.

Have had an odd week...

1. Went to Austin last weekend for a work-related convention, had the "Austin Experience" on 6th street, and was amazed at seeing these people who were way older than me stay up all night and drink like frat boys on spring break. I was impressed and way out of my drinking level league, so I had to fake it, which I think I did pretty well. I do find it humorous that our company sent the three people in our office who are the most socially inept to go and socialize with the people who give us the work. We have the older quiet guy, the person who is uncomfortable around humans (me) and the guy that says off color things when he gets a little buzzed. It was a miracle it went surprisingly well...

2. Had a guy that I haven't seen in about three years, since he found a woman and got hitched. (don't need the single guy friend anymore, which I have found to be a typical pattern with a lot of people.) Anyhow, he "Facebooks" me, and it turns out he now has a little girl...

3. Had another friend that I hadn't seen in about a year, e-mail me out of the blue to see what was up...turns out she got married a couple of months ago...

"The times they are a-changin..." - Bob Dylan