Friday, March 25, 2005

Still among the living...

Damn, didn't realize it has been a month since the last posting...Things have been rather busy. I did have some time to go out for St. Paddy's day, which is a requirement for us Irish-type folks, or you risk losing your official Irishman license. A good time was had by all.

I also figured out that I have worked an extra month of overtime already this year. I think I am going to add months to the calendar to reflect this....January, February, Maruary (or Farch?) March, etc...Anyhow, I have figured you know you are busy when you eat both of your daily meals while eating in the car. I don't like to do this, but between work ( the new position has been an interesting and time consuming experience, but I am liking it) and practices for Easter Masses, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, so I had to do this for a couple of days last week. However, It does keep me from getting all angry with what's been happening in the world, because I don't know what's going on...

...So it is true...Ignorance IS Bliss. Or sleepiness, depending on how you come by your ignorance.