Friday, September 24, 2004

The Good, the bad, and the Ugly...

The Good:

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow...Great movie! Seen it twice! I want toys!

Three Seasons of Due South on DVD...This was a really quirky show that I liked about a Canadian Mountie that came to Chicago to find his father's killer, and teams up with a hard boiled American police officer. It's dramatic, funny, cool and has a really good soundtrack. Great stuff, really looking forward to watching all 42 hours of it.

The magic of TiVo. My new toy. I'll never miss ER and Smallville again.

The Bad:

Pesky Sinus infection and minor stomach problems...Go away!

The Ugly:

Apparently, one of the clients I work for finds the design for the school I am working on ugly...His taste runs towards the 1700's and our school is decidedly more modern than that, so I am ok with him not liking it. Everyone else likes it. I will post a pic soon for y'all to judge.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

What Star Wars Character Are You?

I am Chewbacca...Loyal to a fault, a little bit hairy.

I have 5 bosses....The Emperor, R2D2 & C3PO, Obi Wan Kenobi and a Jawa.

Monday, September 06, 2004

What to do after falling off the face of the earth...

Well, after working 12+ hour days seven days a week for the last month, we finally got my project at work finished. However, we are going to take more time with it to redesign and make it the smaller school (thanks, school board.)

Anyhow, between the family coming to town, and working like a dog, I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth where my friends are concerned...It's a pretty odd experience, catching up with people that you used to talk to a lot, but it is very nice also in the way that you find out people actually care about you.

I had an Uncle who was one of my heroes growing up...He introduced me to comic books and drawing at an early age. He was quite the literary and artistic talent, but also a major recluse and introvert, to the point where he never left the town he lived in, didn't ever learn to drive a car and was generally uncomfortable with change. I was thinking today, that if he had some better friends, he wouldn't have died alone in a VA hospital.

Things like that make me realize I need to get out more, and will definitely take the time to reconnect with my friends, or I will lose them.